Student Details

Note: Birth certificate to be sighted as part of enrolment; as per Ministry of Education requirement.

Contact Details (Caregiver 1)

Please note: you may be required to provide proof of your residential address, such as a recent power account.

Please advise if there is any problem with leaving voicemail messages.

Contact Details (Caregiver 2)

Please note: you may be required to provide proof of your residential address, such as a recent power account.

Please advise if there is any problem with leaving voicemail messages.

Emergency Contact #1

When above caregivers cannot be contacted

Emergency Contact #2

When above caregivers cannot be contacted

Student Health Record

When above caregivers cannot be contacted

Early Childhood Education

Other Information


  • acknowledge that the information is true and correct in every particular and can be relied upon by the school.
  • agree that our child shall abide by all School Rules, Regulations and policies.
  • understand that the information on this form will be used by the School to maintain appropriate school records and effective contact with the enrolled pupil's parents and caregivers.
  • agree to the school requesting relevant information from other schools for enrolment purposes and class placement.
  • I/We understand that the School will take action on my/our behalf in case of student illness or injury.

Privacy Statement

The information on this form is collected to form part of the essential information the school hold on your child. The information collected will be used by the school for the following purposes: enrolling your child at school, assessing the education needs of your child and ensuring that education services and resources in respect of your child are provided to the school. The information on this form is collected and used by the school in educating your child, and for associated school activities. It is available to all staff of the school and to members of the Board of Trustees. Please advise the school if you have any concerns about disclosure of any of the information within the school. The school is sometimes obliged by law to give information to Government Departments (e.g. Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health) but it will not otherwise be disclosed without your authorisation. The records made from this information may be viewed on request at the school You have the right to request access and to request correction of information held about you by the school. We would be grateful if you could contact the school office if any details need to be changed; especially contact details. The information collected may be disclosed to education and health sector agencies in accordance with the principles of the Privacy Act. Except with your specific authorisation, it will not be disclosed to any other person or agency unless such disclosure is authorised or required by law.